Panzer Marshal App Comentários

no back button

when you go to the help menu, there is no way to leave it. you have to close the app and reopen.

Poorly ported

I was a huge fan of this game on android and was ecstatic to see its on ios aswell. Unfortunately the game refuses to cooperate with my phone. Ive never had this issue on android but even after fixing the resolution to fit, crucial buttons like ending turn, just up and disappear and the resolution resets so that my info bar is half off my screen. I hope you can fix these issues because other then that this is a very well made game with quite alot of content.

It’s not keeping up with IOS upgrades

Buggy, needs to be reinstalled often.

Deployment Bug is painful

Over time the game develops a big in the deployment UI. Rendering it impossible to upgrade or sell units, making it basically impossible to be able to level up units. No troubleshooting fixes the problem and it’s so annoying it makes restarting long running campaigns the only viable option.

Buggy, but a ton of content

Like I said the game is buggy as I’ll get out, but there’s a ton of content, maps, units, campaigns, scenarios, even a good bit of customization. I’ve been playing it again for the first time in like 3 years again and I’m loving it. If you need to clean a bug I just save, then close the app and reopen. It takes maybe 2 seconds to do that

A+ game

If you liked Panzer General 2 you’ll love this iPhone friendly game!! Note to the dev team, is there a chance of an update with new maps coming out?! Maybe a Pacific Campaign, including Hawaii/Midway. I’d also like to have the chance to have allies as Core units. Thanks for making such a great game!

Very fun, buggy at times.

The game is great, there are a bunch of scenarios, and detailed units and maps making this game extremely replayable, entertaining, and decent looking. My only complaints are are bugs. Sometimes, all of the units flip and teleport everywhere and even become invisible at times. I’ve had bunkers teleport into water, and when these bugs happen it renders the game unplayable. I can’t complain too much about this because the game is free but that doesn’t mean the game’s major bugs should go unnoticed. Overall this is a fantastic game and I totally recommend it if you can handle bugs that can screw up your game every now and then.

Great 90s turn based strategy

Reminded me of the old talonsoft games like battle of the bulge. The only bad thing is the ui does not scale to my screen on a Iphone 13 pro.

Add more campaigns

Could you add more campaigns like a Hungarian one and s Belgian and Dutch one

Big red 1

On one of the big red 1 mission. It won’t let me attack the Germans when it’s my turn. It will let me move some but not attack even when I am next to the enemy. Is there a way too fix’s this?

Great game

This is a great game but I would greatly enjoy a feature to make out own scenarios.

Very good but this since I’ve had it

This is a great game. I’ve been fan of these hex based games since I was a little kid. The thing that was most annoying, but was probably fixed, was a gap in between movement orders and the actual movement. But that’s the only thing since I’ve played it last was most annoying.

Great but for recent changes

As good as panzer general but unlike that game which rewards superior play with extra scenarios this one punishes superior play by deleting scenarios. Also the Sea Lion and Dunkirk scenarios are missed. Having a 20 cap unit strength instead of 15 is bad. I captured Moscow with just horses and horse drawn units and biplanes using this exploit. Also Too many good bonus units too early needs adjusting. Bulge campaign great; would like to see Crete and Norway scenarios. Update: Crete and Norway and fantastic and challenging! Italian campaign best Afrika ever! Only would change Malta leads to Alexandria otherwise historical. Japanese best most challenging campaign yet! New requests: Japanese fleet campaign from Pearl to ten-go with 6 carriers and Yamato core. Impossible mode with constant reinforcements for the enemy.

Seriously broken

It’s too bad, campaigns and separate actions end after one or two turns when they are supposed to go at least 27. One scene was supposed to be US marines, but was Germany and Japan. Strange. Don’t be bother downloading this, you will be frustrated and disappointed.

Good game but too many bugs

This is a great game I really like playing it but the amount of bugs and glitches in the game drives me crazy


best war game for the phone. super in depth to the point where a more casual player would probably not last long. 5 stars!

Great ww2 game

This is a great ww2 actually the best I love strategy games my favorite battle is oak ridge I love all the units

Great game if you loved Panzer General II

Growing up in the 90’s I somehow got addicted to PGII instead on Nickelodeon cartoons. Finding this game has been a real throwback to my childhood. I love seeing some of the familiar scenarios but these creators took the time to dish out a ton more content (campaigns, countries, units, etc..). #Team Fireflies w/ Overrun!

Nicely done!

I really like how the game is so spot on with the old PC version. You have put a lot into this and it shows. One suggestion, like the PC version at the start of any given campaign/scenario if you had prestige you could purchase tanks, planes etc. but there doesn’t seem to be that option? It would also be very cool to be able to play 2 player version just like the old PC version. At any rate I have found a very challenging game with which to occupy my time and I applaud your efforts here.

Pretty Awesome but A bit confusing

Ok where do I start. It's a pretty solid game if you like ww2 strategy and long lasting multiplayer battles. It has a wide variety of maps and units. Now the confusing part is that there are a ton of buttons and gadgets to use. Some of them useless some of them helpful. Most of them I haven't figured out or I'm just crazy. Anyways it's a good game just could use some lag fixes and maybe a tutorial. BUT PLEASE make it simpler and easier to use and this could go a long way.

Rejoice, Panzer Marshal is brilliantly done!

I am a very experienced player of turn based, tactical and strategic games. The iPad is my device of choice and this game is fabulous on the iPad. No ads, weeks of gameplay, and it is just so good. Highly recommended!

I love it

Just a great game for mobile! Easy to pick up and put down at a moments notice, and a wonderful turned based WW2 game. Can be pretty buggy, but the devs have slowly been fixing them over time. I get so excited when new campaigns pop up in an update!

Great game

The game was great but can you make it so on scenarios you don’t have a turn limit because it limits the amount of time to mess around with them

Major glitch

First scenario worked fine. Second scenario, only opposing forces can fight. Will not allow reinforcements. You just lose units and objectives without being able to do anything. Do not recommend until they fix this major glitch

Very fun game just 1 bug

I like the game, it’s fun and I like the different campaigns, battles, and operations but whenever I save a game it always gets deleted after about three days, if you could fix that, that would be awesome.


I really love this game but would make it even better is that if we can customize our own maps play it, that would really make me and others happy or add in new campaigns like the pacific war in 1941-1945 or fictional gameplay where the German army invaded America. That would make me happy, really love this game


It’s a great game I was played it for a long time

Great game but some ideas

I would like to see the pacific campaign with Japanese units.

Would be even more awesome if....

One thing i really loved about panzer general was the scenario creator please add this option it would be so epic

It could be better my suggestions

It’s a good game and all but I think you need a sandbox gamemode . Where you can have an unlimited amount of money build your own maps play as both sides by switching between them and you could have all the vehicles in the game like from m 1940 41 42 43 44 45 . If you did this your game would be awesome .

Great Game!

Cool scenarios, just needs some bug fixes like how the sound randomly cuts out

A lot of bugs

The game UI, decent units and the historical event make the game really entertaining. But some of the campaign cannot proceed to the next ones, also units cannot move to edge of the map but enemy can. If developers fix this critical issues this game would be thriving


The game keeps freezing and I can not move the pieces

This game

As I played with the nazi army. Everything was fun until Germany encased Russia. Then I would finish the level. Be given the message that I achieved a brilliant victory and I would be unable to advance to the next level... waste of time with major bugs..,

Not even worthy of the space on the App Store.

After installing, you only get to read during the tutorial mode. The cpu likes to control everything. As a player learning the ropes, you’d expect to move your forces with a little advice. Nope. The computer just tells you what is being done. Uninstalled.

Best turn base game period

By far the best turn based strategy game available. Keep those updates coming.

Cool except one thing

For some reason the town names keep popping up in random places. I don’t know why but it does. Like in oran. There are town names in the middle of the ocean.

Great late 1990s nostalgia hit

If you played beer & pretzels turn-based wargames on the PC in the 90’s, this is all quite familiar. It’s essentially a port of Panzer General II with some new campaigns. Significant learning curve if you’re unfamiliar with the genre, especially PG2, but overall pretty great. 2 noticeable bugs: 1.) If you are playing a scenario with multiple allied nations, you cannot buy your allies’ units (ex. In the US World campaign, you can’t buy British or New Zealand units even though they’re presented in the purchase menu). 2.) in the US World and Big Red 1 campaigns (maybe others as well), the AI starts spamming cheap, anachronistic militia, artillery, and fighter units (ex. pre-war biplanes and pro-fascist Arab militias in the Monte Cassino scenario of the US World campaign), rendering a scenario almost unwinnable.

Perfect Strategy Game!

I’ve always been a huge fan of WW2. Now that I have this game I can actually simulate actual battles on a large scale! I truly love this game (it’s pretty addicting too once you get a hang of it) and I hope more gets added in the future.

Great Update Nicu!

Thank you for providing such a great game and updating it with fresh new content. Well done!

Nicer and nicer yet with time ... just needs ...

Option for good board style counters with NATO symbols. I friggin hate playing with little toy soldiers and tonka toy vehicles. =(

Panzer Marshal

As a fan of the old Panzer General PC games I have tried several dozen iOS games over the years and never found one that evoked the original...until now. Panzer Marshal captures the spirit of the original game. There is one minor quirk...occasionally the enemy appears to spawn out of the ground between your own troops in an impossible manner, but that is not enough to detract from the many hours of fun the game delivers.

Very Bad Bugs

This game is like Kreigs-spiel, but on a device! None-the-less, there are major bugs, but the chief of all these is the bug to which your units become unselectable, and the game is thus impossible to play. There are other interface problems, making the game simply hard to play, which lends the game inferior to it’s table-top brethren. If you fix the interface, this truly would be utterly amazing as a game! Overall, one star off for the two major problems discussed above, and another for all the other minor problems, leaving you at 3/5.

Almost perfect.

Been playing since PG2 was released last century. Into the first scenario for the big red one campaign and 2 things: The enemies mine fields are attacking my ships and the non-core unit british spitfires do not provide interception support to my core unit bombers.

Worth the earning curve

I for one enjoy this game. Takes me back to my younger gamer days (80’s). Until someone ports over Steel Panthers, this is my go to for WWII strategy/strategic sim. SSI reborn 👍

Thank you

Thank you for making this classic PC strategy game in to an APP. I love this game

Great game would pay for!

Another update? Sweet. Sad I can’t get 3000xp super panzers but that’s probably for the best.

Great update

For fans of Panzer General this is a must. It plays 95% like the original, but with more units and scenarios. A real time killer!

Needs Asia

Would it be possible to include a map with China and Japan? Most of the equipment used was similar to western models so it likely won’t be too hard to make.

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